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Jiujitsu Survival Guide

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Jiujitsu Survival Guide

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"All jiu-jitsu beginners have questions. How can my skills get better more quickly? Why am I getting tired so fast? What are the most important moves to practice? When will I see good results? How do I know if I'm ready to compete in a tournament? The answers are all here." -Brian, Black Belt 

If you’re feeling lost, confused, frustrated, it’s ok. Jiu-jitsu is hard. It takes years and years of practice to get good at it.

I wrote this book because I’ve seen so many good people leave the sport because there was just something they couldn’t figure out. For a lot of my students, it’s usually just one thing they’re missing. For others, it’s a combination of a few things.

In both cases, you’ll find most people quit right before they’re on the verge of a break-through. It’s unfortunate because pushing through just a little longer could have propelled them forward.

Frustration, stress, confusion all get in the way of making progress and it’s easy to think Jiu-jitsu isn’t for you. The reality is, however, if there’s simply one thing getting in the way of your progress, wouldn’t knowing that solution mean the difference between being where you are and getting to where you want to be?

You simply don’t know what you don’t know.

In this book, what you won’t find is a “get to your blue belt quick” type of story. Instead, you are going to get years of private instruction I’ve given to all my students, nicely condensed into a simple, easy to follow and digest format. It is a guide to help everyone gain a better perspective on what we’re doing in the first place.

This book isn’t just for white belts either. It’s for EVERYONE looking to develop a better mental framework to serve as a roadmap for the rest of your Jiu-jitsu experience .

You can read this book, study it and use it as a roadmap to optimize your experience so that you can learn more effectively. It will tear down many of the barriers you have as well as help you avoid the same pitfalls and traps almost every beginner falls into. 

Dear Friend, 

If Jiu-jitsu is something you enjoy and want to get better at, then you’ve arrived at the right place.

You see, over the years as the head instructor of a Jiu-jitsu school, I’ve seen countless people come and go. As you can imagine, people don’t stick around long enough to fully reap the benefits of Jiu-jitsu. Most instructors just treat it like a business. People come, people go –it’s business and not personal.

Not me.

The thing is, losing students drives me crazy. I can’t stand it. So over the last year, I have put in a ton of work behind the scenes trying to figure out what my students’ biggest problems are and how I could effectively solve them. What started off as an open letter to my students turned into a comprehensive roadmap designed to help them survive their white belt journey.


Is this book for everyone?

No. Chances are you’ve got everything already figured out and that’s ok. This book may still be helpful to you but, for the most part, you will extract the most value from this book if you can relate to any of the below:

✔️ You are struggling to learn even the most basic, fundamental concepts that makes this stuff work.

✔️ You are having trouble figuring out what you’re supposed to do in the first place.

✔️ You are experiencing any level of frustration from learning

✔️ You can’t seem to make it to class consistently because life just keeps getting in the way

✔️ You keep getting injured and can't figure out how to manage it or train safely. 

✔️ You keep getting your @$$ kicked with no end in sight.

✔️ You have absolutely no idea what your goals are or what they should be. 

If any of the above sounds like you, then you’re in the right place.

Inside this book, you’ll find:

What is the point of Jiu-jitsu and what is your goal in a fight?

If you can understand what jiu-jitsu is at its depth, then you can understand what our goal is as a jiu-jitsu practitioner. This is a key, fundamental concept that few instructors dive into. You can find this info on page 44. 

How to create a consistent training plan

This is one of the first steps to making sure you survive your white belt journey. Though seemingly simple, many people get it wrong. I'll break down a simple, step by step action plan for you to create your own on page 24. 

Why you aren’t breathing (and how to do it)

-Breathing can be one of the most challenging things for a Jiu-jitsu practitioner to do. I know it seems silly but most people don’t actually know how to breathe. I will show you how on page 31.

Managing Injuries and How to Train Safely

-Fun fact: You will get hurt. Injuries keep people off the mats and eventually lead to people quitting. From my work in undergrad and graduate school plus my experience on the mats dealing with my own and my students’ injuries, I can help you manage yours on page 70. 

Managing Emotions --There will be a lot of them! 

Your emotions will get the best of you from time to time but they don’t have to. Learn how to keep them managed and in check –My method is a bit “cold” but it works. See this "cold" method on page 16. 

What should you be focusing on

The rabbit-hole in jiu-jitsu goes deep. It’s impossible to know everything there is to know so finding focus will improve your learning. Your training will need focus. This book will show you what to focus on on page 36. 

Understanding “the Jiu-jitsu Funnel”

Much like many other things in life, Jiu-jitsu actually follows a basic framework. If you’re unclear on what this framework is, you’ll have more trouble trying to figure it out in live training. See this brilliant "funnel" on page 44. 

Here's what some people had to say: 

"This book is so very helpful. I am early in my journey, but it has really helped to understand what has been happening to me on the mat, and how I should be thinking and approaching my Jiu-Jitsu journey moving forward." -Ron K, White Belt

"I think everyone should read this. Not just white belts. It would save a ton of time trying to figure everything out" -Adrian K, Purple Belt

"I wish I had this my first week! Reading this book was like a checklist of my challenges and experiences of the first several months of my Jiu Jitsu journey. Even (or maybe especially) seasoned athletes all seem to go through the same ups and downs as they adjust to the Jiu Jitsu training cycle and learning curve. Having a guide like this is invaluable to keep you on track and from getting discouraged. It also provides some of the foundational principles underlying the techniques you will be learning, which will make things start to "click" that much faster. Everyone starting or considering Jiu Jitsu should read this, and should probably read it again after you earn your first stripe on your belt." -Will T, White Belt

This entire book compiles over 8 years of teaching and 10 years of training into one, 90+ pages of solid and effective information. In the White Belt Survival guide, you'll get my years of experience tightly packed into a simple, easy to read, no fluff guide all designed to help you get better. 

You'll also find

The two pieces of advice I give to ALL my white belts (Borrowed from Master Renzo and John Danaher) on page 15. 

There are two pieces of advice every white belt needs to learn. It may not be what you're looking for here but in a few years when you look back, you'll be giving the same advice to beginners. 

Why goals are worthless (Develop systems instead) on page 19.

I’m convinced the only reason why I’m still around is because I’ve made training “nonnegotiable”. I will give you my playbook in hopes that you can develop systems to keep you training and avoid the many pitfalls and traps that beginners get caught up on.

My Thoughts on Strength and Conditioning (based on years of experimentation and hiring professionals) on page 76

Over the years, I’ve done countless strength and conditioning regimens. In this book, I condense my experiences into a few paragraphs, including some quick pros and cons on each.

Foundational Principles: Key points you need to know on page 43

There are very key, foundational principles that make jiu-jitsu work. It seems like its magic, but it’s actually pretty simple (simpler than you can imagine).

How to deal with life getting in the way on page 72

Life’s going to get in the way. When it does, your jiu-jitsu will struggle. But it doesn’t have to. There are ways to manage the emotions as well as create a plan in order to deal with life getting in the way. At the end of the day, it “is what it is”, and I will show you how to keep going.

The not-so-hidden mystery behind getting really good, really fast on page 79

It’s probably not what you think. But it’s a really good one. 

How to prepare for your first competition on page 82

-Many of my students will take private lessons with me in order to get them ready for competition. I’m sharing with you a simple, 4 week guide to help you fix your mindset, training focus, diet and conditioning programs condensed from years of helping my own students.

What it means to get your blue belt on page 89

It signifies the first major achievement for all white belts. Many will not get there… Many will quit right after. This section will prepare you for what’s to come and what comes after.

"I wish I had this book to read when I first started jiu-jitsu. Even as a blue belt, I still found this book to be incredibly helpful and insightful to many things I have had issues with in my training and mindset. No matter what part of your journey you're in, there is no doubt that different aspects of this book are still beneficial to your progression." -Nicole D, Blue Belt 

No doubt, there are plenty of resources you have probably consumed promising to help you learn jiu-jitsu faster. I hope you've been able to learn from every single one of them. This book, and I may be a little biased here, will be different. 


Because in it, I've unlocked years of teaching private lessons and condensed many of the principles into one single place. What you'll find is content that no instructor can really teach or explain effectively in group settings --This is why we have to teach many of these principles privately. My goal here was to create a comprehensive resource for you to help you BUILD the foundation that your jiu-jitsu will grow from for the REST of your training journey. 

I DIVE DEEP into the mental components that may make the difference between being stuck and getting to where you want to be. 

If you're in a place where your jiu-jitsu is going smooth and you don't have much else to learn, feel free to click out of this page. 

If, however, you are looking for a one-stop-shop for 99% of your problems as a beginner (or even as an experienced practitioner), then look no further. Click the link and purchase RISK FREE. If you are unhappy, all you have to do is send me a quick email and I will refund you, no questions asked. 

"This book will add value to every jiu-jitsu class you take. It maps out the foundation that all students must build on. So when you learn a new move in class you will better understand WHY it works, WHEN to use it, and HOW it fits into the structure of your jiu-jitsu skills." -Brian T, Brown Belt

Get your COPY ASAP before the Price GOES UP with each revision [As a perfectionist, I can guarantee you: There will be more! AND You'll get free access to each one going forward]  

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The Current Revision of The White Belt Survival Guide, All FUTURE Revisions (improvements + topics and sections I add along the way), discounts to ALL over information products I put out, FREE Q&A on my substack (

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